Project Report - An exploration of the barriers to Regional Academic participation in Scholarship (SoTL) and development of appropriate supports and tools to overcome those barriers and encourage participation.
Project Report
Student Experience Managers (SEMs) (also known as staff tutors) are uniquely placed to carry out highly effective Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) and to quickly translate findings into practice. However, for many, the scholarship journey can seem daunting. A SCiLAB funded team sought to understand why SEMs do/do not actively participate in SoTL by investigating facilitators and barriers, and from this, develop a suite of support and resources addressing identified needs.
Whilst barriers varied, the key factors preventing SoTL engagement were Role (the lack of time for SoTL and other work taking priority), Relationships (the need for mentoring and support) and Resources (to become familiar with the complex approvals and processes). The top three suggestions in a survey to better enable participation in SOTL included dedicated time for SoTL participation, a mentoring programme for less experienced SoTL practitioners and better explanation of the scholarship process.
- Internal use only
Scholarship Exchange project URL
Institutional priority category
- Employability and Career Progression