The Open University Scholarship Exchange

Learning in Landscapes of Practice: Boundaries, identity and knowledgeability in practice-based learning

Version 2 2023-12-20, 15:46
Version 1 2023-11-08, 11:17
posted on 2023-12-20, 15:46 authored by Etienne Wenger-Trayner, Mark Fenton-O'Creevy, Chris Kubiak, Steven Hutchinson, Beverly Wenger-Trayner
If the body of knowledge of a profession is a living landscape of practice, then our personal experience of learning can be thought of as a journey through this landscape. Within Learning in Landscapes of Practice, this metaphor is further developed in order to start an important conversation about the nature of practice knowledge, identity and the experience of practitioners and their learning. In doing so, this book is a pioneering and timely exploration of the future of professional development and higher education. The book combines a strong theoretical perspective grounded in social learning theories with stories from a broad range of contributors who occupy different locations in their own landscapes of practice. These narratives locate the book within different contemporary concerns such as social media, multi-agency, multi-disciplinary and multi-national partnerships, and the integration of academic study and workplace practice. Both scholarly, in the sense that it builds on prior research to extend and locate the concept of landscapes of practice, and practical because of the way in which it draws on multiple voices from different landscapes. Learning in Landscapes of Practice will be of particular relevance to people concerned with the design of professional or vocational learning. It will also be a valuable resource for students engaged in higher education courses with work-based elements.


Collaborated with

  • Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies (WELS)


  • Internal use only

Authorship group

  • Academic - Central

Institutional priority category

  • Other


  • Student Experience

Usage metrics

    Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)


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