Final report: Understanding changes in study intensity among Q94 students
Who are our Education Studies (Primary) concurrent students PRAXIS was successfully completed in November 2021. The project engaged staff across a range of roles and modules within the Q94 qualification, and produced outputs in the format of student vignettes, a report, a poster and dissemination presentations. It focused on students studying concurrently (120 credits) but throughout our work and dissemination events, many questions arose around the students who decided to change their study intensity during a presentation, or throughout the qualification.
The original team included academics (STs, MTCs, ALs) and LDS colleagues, with students and ALS being research participants. We recognise the recent developments in relation to student voice and engagement in scholarship teams, and we would like to include students in our extension project as researchers as well as participants.
The role of the Student Support Team is key in the students’ decision-making process on study intensity and they hold key conversations with students who are considering changing their study intensity. To complement the experience of academics and students, the Scholarship team will also include SST colleagues.
Conscious of the difficulties students might have in expressing their reasons in oral interviews, students will be offered the opportunity to take part in a written interview, or an audio-recorded interview they do themselves, as well as the more common recorded interview with a member of the project team.
Separate online focus groups will be undertaken with a group of SST senior/advisers and a group of ALs to support the development of the student interview questions, and to understand student decisions. A second online focus group with each group (SST and ALs) will be undertaken after the student interviews analysis has taken place to present the findings and record advisers and ALs’ responses to findings.
- Understand reasons for change in study intensity among concurrent students within a presentation
- Understand reasons for change in study intensity among concurrent students at different stages of their study
- Understand impact of study intensity changes on student wellbeing
- Identify support available to concurrent students to decide on study intensity changes
- Identify any further support that would support students to decide on study intensity changes
- Identify strategies to support student wellbeing when considering study intensity changes
- Public document
Authorship group
- Academic - Central
- Students
- Academic - Regional/National (Staff Tutors and Student Experience Managers)
Scholarship Exchange project URL
Institutional priority category
- Achieving Study Goals
- Students Learning Experiences
- Assessment
- Study Intensity
- Student Satisfaction
- Student Experience
- Retention
Subject discipline
- Education, Childhood, Youth, and Sport