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Exploring timeliness, positivity and collection rates for TMA feedback
The aim of this project is to provide a deeper insight into the factors which impact students collection of TMA feedback. This project is designed to extend the recently concluded project “Improving student use of feedback on marked TMAs” to analyse in more detail three areas. The aim and the sub questions we will seek the answers to are set out below.
Aim: Explore feedback collection rates and factors which they correlate with
- Does timeliness of marking impact the feedback collection rate or timing?
- Is there a relationship between scores in subsequent TMAs and collection of feedback?
- Is there an overlap between the relationships found, for example do we see a relationship between lower collection rate and poor performance because these students also have extensions?
We will analyse data using SAS for all undergraduate modules and over a number of years based on the university data which already exists.
Findings from this project will contribute to a manuscript which has been drafted based on the findings of the previous TMA feedback project. The data analysis along with the wider findings will be disseminated to colleagues both in M&S and more broadly.
- Internal use only
Authorship group
- Academic - Regional/National (Staff Tutors and Student Experience Managers)
Scholarship Exchange project URL
Institutional priority category
- Other
Subject discipline
- Mathematics and Statistics